Build Arduino Circuits

Introduction to Computer-Driven Circuits

The primary purpose of this introductory course is to introduce the learner to the idea of building computer-driven electronic circuits by using the Arduino computer platform in conjunction with breadboard prototyping. The result will be some simple projects that demonstrate how computers can interact with the physical world.

While the course introduces both electronic circuits and computer programming, the assumption is that the learner has zero experience in both areas. This means that there are explanations to everything that is happening. The course should take around 2 hours.

To work through the content, watch the videos below in order. In addition to the videos, circuit 'recipes' are provided for each project. These sheets show how to wire the circuit and also provide the code needed for any computer programs that are required. During the course, you will build the following projects:

  1. 1) an LED that lights up.
  2. 2) an LED that flashes on and off (BLINK)
  3. 3) an LED stop light
  4. 4) a tilt switch that lights an LED when the circuit is turned sideways

To facilitate the course, we are using this Arduino starter kit from

Videos and Handouts

1 Introduction 1:48 A brief welcome to the class No File Needed
2 Installing and using the Arduino IDE
6:58 This video walks through downloading and installing the Arduino IDE. If you already have the arduino IDE installed, jump to the 3:00 mark to go over configuration settings. No File Needed
3 Circuit 1: Lighting an LED 10:29 This video walks through creating a simple circuit that lights a single LED. In the process, we discuss what a circuit is and how to use a breadboard. By the end of the video, circuit 1 should be complete. Circuit1.pdf (Test)

Circuit 2: Blinking LED

Circuit 3: Stop Light Challenge

Circuit 3: Stop Light Solution



The first video in section 4 describes how to modify your board for the Blinking light project, and also how to write a program for the Arduino. At the end of this section, you should have a blinking LED.

The second video provides a challenge - create an LED stoplight.

The third video in section 4 gives my solution to the stop light challenge.

Circuit2.pdf (Blink)

Circuit3.pdf (Stop Light)
5 Circuit 4: Tilt Switch Part 1 13:00 This section describes the concepts of variables and IF statements to make decisions. At the end of this section, we are ready to start building the tilt switch No File Needed
6 Circuit 4: Tilt Switch Part 2 13:57 In this section we assemble the tilt switch circuit and write the code. Circuit4.pdf (Tilt Switch)